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Get All User Tags

Endpoint: GET /api/user/{username}/tags


Parameter Type Description
username string Username of the user. (Required)


Status Code Description
200 OK Successful response with a list of user tags.
400 Bad Request Returned if the request method is not GET.
401 Unauthorized Returned if the provided username does not exist.

Description: This endpoint allows you to retrieve all tags associated with a specific user. It requires a GET request with the username parameter in the URL. If the request is successful, it returns a list of user tags in the response body.

Get All User Pomodoros Dates

Endpoint: GET /api/user/{username}/pomodoros/dates


Parameter Type Description
username string Username of the user. (Required)


Status Code Description
200 OK Successful response with a list of pomodoro creation dates.
400 Bad Request Returned if the request method is not GET.
401 Unauthorized Returned if the provided username does not exist.

Description: This endpoint allows you to retrieve the creation dates of all pomodoros associated with a specific user. It requires a GET request with the username parameter in the URL. If the request is successful, it returns a list of pomodoro creation dates in the response body.

Get All User Pomodoros

Endpoint: GET /api/user/{username}/pomodoros


Parameter Type Description
username string Username of the user. (Required)


Status Code Description
200 OK Successful response with a list of user's pomodoros.
400 Bad Request Returned if the request method is not GET.
401 Unauthorized Returned if the provided username does not exist.

Description: This endpoint allows you to retrieve all pomodoros associated with a specific user. It requires a GET request with the username parameter in the URL. If the request is successful, it returns a list of user's pomodoros in the response body.

Get All Pomodoros

Endpoint: GET /api/pomodoros


Status Code Description
200 OK Successful response with the total sum of pomodoros for all users.
400 Bad Request Returned if the request method is not GET.

Description: This endpoint allows you to retrieve the total sum of all pomodoros for all users. It requires a GET request. If the request is successful, it returns the total sum of pomodoros in the response body.

Get User Settings

Endpoint: GET /api/settings/{token}


Parameter Type Description
token string User settings token. (Required)


Status Code Description
200 OK Successful response with the user's settings.
400 Bad Request Returned if the request method is not GET.
401 Unauthorized Returned if the provided token is invalid.

Description: This endpoint allows you to retrieve the settings of a specific user by providing their user settings token in the URL. It requires a GET request. If the request is successful, it returns the user's settings in the response body.

Create a New Pomodoro

Endpoint: POST /api/pomodoros/create/{token}


Parameter Type Description
token string User settings token. (Required)

Request Body:

The request body must be a JSON object with the following fields:

Field Type Description
tag string The tag for the new pomodoro. (e.g., "work") (Required)


Status Code Description
201 Created Successful response indicating that the pomodoro has been created.
400 Bad Request Returned if the request method is not POST or if the request body is missing or invalid.
401 Unauthorized Returned if the provided token is invalid.
422 Unprocessable Entity Returned if the pomodoro creation failed, typically due to overlapping with existing pomodoros.

Description: This endpoint allows you to create a new pomodoro for a user by providing their user settings token in the URL and specifying the pomodoro details in the request body. It requires a POST request with a valid token and a JSON object containing the pomodoro's tag. The tag is converted to uppercase and spaces are replaced with underscores. If the pomodoro creation is successful, it returns a 201 Created response; otherwise, it returns an appropriate error response. If the pomodoro creation fails due to overlapping with existing pomodoros, it returns a 422 Unprocessable Entity response with an error message.

Update Pomodoro Tags

Endpoint: PATCH /api/pomodoros/tags/update/ {token}/{tag_to_replace}


Parameter Type Description
token string User settings token. (Required)
tag_to_replace string The tag to be replaced. (Required)

Request Body:

The request body must be a JSON object with the following field:

Field Type Description
tag string The new tag to replace the existing one. (e.g., "work") (Required)


Status Code Description
201 Created Successful response indicating that the tags have been updated successfully.
400 Bad Request Returned if the request method is not PATCH or if the request body is missing or invalid.
401 Unauthorized Returned if the provided token is invalid.

Description: This endpoint allows you to update the tags of all pomodoros associated with a specific tag. To use this endpoint, send a PATCH request with the user's settings token in the URL and specify the tag to be replaced in the URL as well. Provide the new tag in the request body, which will replace the existing tag in all relevant pomodoros. The tag values are converted to uppercase, and spaces are replaced with underscores. If the update is successful, it returns a 201 Created response; otherwise, it returns an appropriate error response. If the provided token is invalid, it returns a 401 Unauthorized response.

Update or Delete a Pomodoro

Endpoint: PUT /api/pomodoros/{token}/{pomodoro_id}

Endpoint: DELETE /api/pomodoros/{token}/{pomodoro_id}


Parameter Type Description
token string User settings token. (Required)
pomodoro_id integer The ID of the pomodoro to update or delete. (Required)

Request Body (PUT):

The request body must be a JSON object with the following field:

Field Type Description
tag string The new tag to update the pomodoro. (e.g., "work") (Required for PUT)


Status Code Description
201 Created Returned when a pomodoro is successfully updated or deleted.
400 Bad Request Returned if the request method is not PUT or DELETE or if the request body is missing or invalid for the PUT request.
401 Unauthorized Returned if the provided token is invalid.
404 Not Found Returned if the pomodoro with the specified ID does not exist or if it does not belong to the user associated with the token.

Description: This endpoint allows you to update or delete a specific pomodoro. To update a pomodoro, send a PUT request with the user's settings token in the URL and specify the pomodoro ID to update. Provide the new tag in the request body, which will replace the existing tag of the pomodoro. The tag values are converted to uppercase, and spaces are replaced with underscores. To delete a pomodoro, send a DELETE request with the user's settings token in the URL and specify the pomodoro ID to delete. If the update or delete is successful, it returns a 201 Created response; otherwise, it returns an appropriate error response. If the provided token is invalid or the pomodoro does not exist or does not belong to the user, it returns a 401 Unauthorized or 404 Not Found response, respectively.

Update User Settings

Endpoint: PUT /api/settings/{token}


Parameter Type Description
token string User settings token. (Required)

Request Body (PUT):

The request body must be a JSON object with the following field:

Field Type Description
white_theme boolean The new theme setting for the user. Set to true for a white theme or false for a dark theme. (Required for PUT)


Status Code Description
201 Created Returned when the user settings are successfully updated.
400 Bad Request Returned if the request method is not PUT or if the request body is missing or invalid for the PUT request.
401 Unauthorized Returned if the provided token is invalid.

Description: This endpoint allows you to update the user settings for the theme. To update the user settings, send a PUT request with the user's settings token in the URL. Provide the new theme setting in the request body as true for a white theme or false for a dark theme. If the update is successful, it returns a 201 Created response; otherwise, it returns an appropriate error response. If the provided token is invalid, it returns a 401 Unauthorized response.